Best online learning resources

 There are many excellent online learning resources available. Some popular ones include:

1. Coursera: Offers a wide range of courses from top universities and institutions.

2. edX: Provides courses from universities like Harvard and MIT, as well as other institutions.

3. Khan Academy: Great for K-12 education and beyond, covering a variety of subjects.

4. Udemy: Offers a vast selection of courses on diverse topics, often created by experts.

5. LinkedIn Learning: Formerly, it provides professional

development courses.

6. Codecademy: Focuses on coding and programming languages.

7. Duolingo: A popular app for learning languages.

8. YouTube: Has countless educational channels covering various subjects.

9. MIT OpenCourseWare: Offers free course materials from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

10. Coursera, edX, and many universities also offer free audit options for many courses, allowing you to access content without paying for a certificate.

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